Screeny Screen Things

Narrating a story of childhood joys in a world before technology took over, with the help of a children’s book

Brief: Kids and Technology: Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Insight: Overexposure to technology at a young age is like opening Pandora's Box.
It can expose children to a world of problems.

Idea: There was a need to communicate the message of how technology was taking over kids’ childhood. What better way to do so than through a children's book. So, we wrote and illustrated one.

Story: The book is based in the future where there are no parks or playgrounds and children are on their devices all day. It is about a grandfather narrating the story of his childhood where parks and playgrounds existed and technology hadn’t yet taken over.

Packaging: We packaged the book in a black box to make it look like an iPad box and placed a manual along with it to communicate our message and to explain the idea and execution. We also disguised it as a gadget to make it more ‘appealing’.